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Room Amenities

Room Amenities

Students and parents will certainly ask about what should be packed in the suitcase. You are welcome to send the link for this page.

  • Bed linens and towels

  • Hair dryers, shampoo, etc.

  • a&o Toiletries Store

  • Packing list

Bed linens and towels

As a group, you can choose between the hotel and the hostel categories. This means that if your group stays all in single or double rooms, bed linens and towels are included in the room rate.

If your group stays in shared rooms with bunk beds, bed sheets can be added for 4,15 Euro extra, to make the beds yourself. Guests have the option to waive the bedding charge by bringing their own. Towels can be added for a small charge of 1,80 Euro per person. Of course, students may also bring their own towels.

Hair dryers, Shampoo, etc.

In all a&o Hotels and Hostels, each room has its own bathroom en suite. For your convenience, showers and toilets are in separate rooms. Only our earliest a&o Hotels, the a&o Berlin Friedrichshain and the a&o Hamburg Reeperbahn, have a few communal showers in the hostel areas.

Shampoo, shower gel, cosmetic wipes, disposible mouthwash cups and hair dryers are available in all bathrooms in the hotel and hostel rooms.

a&o Toiletries Store

Should you have forgotten important toiletries at home, you can purchase some items on-site. These include toothbrushes, toothpaste, shower gel, tissues, deodorant, razors, creams, hair spray, hair gel, and other various personal items.

Packing list

Your students will thank you that they are perfectly equipped for every season for their class trip in the city. Click here to have a look the packing list.

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