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a&o: Your place for long-stay accommodation

Stay longer, pay less: Long-term stays from 30 days

There are many good reasons to stay longer: Looking for accommodation and a new job, project, internship, starting or changing studies. Life is constantly changing, and the long-term stays at a&o are alternatives for anyone looking for comfortable and cost-effective solutions for the transition.

  • Unrivalled: quick booking instead of time-consuming application and inspection
  • As desired: high flexibility instead of long terms and complicated notice periods
  • Convenient: hotel services such as weekly room cleaning and Wi-Fi included


Ignacio Fuhr Mauviel - Business Developer,
Urban Roomie

With a&o Hostels we have found a strong partner who supports us in our growth with hostels in various locations in Europe. The location of the hostels is very central and the facilities, such as co-working options and the guest kitchen, are an absolute plus, especially for long-term stays.

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