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Become a member now - for free!Quick and easy: Check in while being on the move, up to 24 hours before arrival. All you need is your smartphone and the a&o App. Get the app for Android or iOS now. Novedad: Apertura de puertas por app en Praha Rhea, Venezia Mestre, Bremen Hauptbahnhof, Frankfurt.
Don’t waste your time at the reception queue! You can check in yourself on site with our Self Check-in Kiosk. Available in many a&o hostels.
Check in from the comfort of your own home, 24 hours before arrival. Here, you can check in with your booking number and e-mail address.
Check-in at our reception is possible at any time. Your room is ready for you at 3 p.m. All you need is your ID document.
► Ten en cuenta que siempre debes mostrar un documento de identidad válido (DNI o pasaporte) al facturar para confirmar tu identidad. No es posible pagar la reserva en efectivo in situ.
Socio a&o