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Become a member now - for free!That's why our customer service is there for you around the clock. Your feedback – whether praise or criticism – is extremely important and valuable to us. We take every comment seriously and use it to help us keep improving in the future.
To ensure that your feedback does not simply go unheeded, our customer service team collects all incoming customer and guest reviews every week and passes them on directly to the management, the departments or hostels concerned, and our employees. This way, we make sure that your voice is heard throughout the entire a&o family – from the team at the reception to the management!
There are many ways to get in touch with us – the easiest and quickest is by email: [email protected]
Transparency and authenticity are important to us! That is why we work with an independent rating service provider: TrustYou provides us with a smart feedback tool that you can use to quickly and easily share your personal experience and opinion with us. Whether positive feedback or suggestions for improvement – we are interested in everything that will help us improve. Click here to go directly to the feedback tool.