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Unternehmensentwicklung Welcome Days

Welcome Days

a&o lives through the people who work here - in order to strengthen this team feeling right from the start, a&o has been offering get-to-know-you days for all newcomers from hostels and headquarters at regular intervals at its Berlin headquarters since 2017. By taking part, participants not only get to know each other, but also the company structures and corporate philosophy. The two-day event with workshop character strengthens the company integrity and creates awareness both for the work in the hotel and behind the scenes. After all, this is where, among other things, prices are designed, bookings are taken, accounts for all hotel expenses are managed and new hotel properties are developed. The motley group is guided through the program by general managers and/or trainers


The Welcome Days consist of an exciting mix of lectures, role-playing, videos, quizzes, tours, group projects, discussions and small games for in-between.

Overview of the Welcome Days

Workshop-Place a&o Headquarters, Adalbertstraße 50
Languages & IntervalsGerman/English appx. every 2 months in rotation
AccomodationPreferably right next door at the a&o Berlin Mitte (costs for travel to and from the event will be borne by the head office)
CateringFull board
Registrationvia the house or department manager or directly with the HR department

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