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Side Job: Allrounder in the Hostel (m/f/x)

as of now – on call but monthly scheduled according your preferences – in 2018 Antwerp, Belgium


Are you looking for a permanent, side job? Perfect! That's exactly what we offer!
To support our team at the a&o Hostel Antwerp Centraal we are looking for YOU! A hardworking and independent side jobber (m/f/x) as allrounder.

This job is particularly well suited to students as it has flexible working hours and is based on their availability and can easily be combined with a varied (university) timetable. Of course, all applications are equally welcome.


  • 75% discount on private overnight stays in all a&o hostels
  • Flexible shift scheduling according to your availability
  • attractive corporate benefits such as discounted leisure activities and events in other a&o countries
  • subsidized language courses
  • Mental Health: We offer you free and anonymous mental health coaching from our independent partner “Likeminded”, who will support you with professional, private and health-related challenges
  • We work in jeans and a&o polo shirt instead of stiff suits or uniforms
  • Of course, all hostel employee, are provided with drinks, fruit and vegetables every day.
  • Short decision-making processes and open communication



  • You will be employed in the in kitchen and bar and will actively participate in the day business; including the daily cleaning work
  • Preparation and taking care of the breakfast-, lunch- and dinner-buffet are also among your tasks
  • You help with the inventories for the kitchen and bar



  • You enjoy dealing with guests - and you show it, no matter what time of day or night it is
  • You are able to work independently, are highly committed and a team player
  • Since shifts might start early or end late, living in Antwerp or surrounding residential areas is ideal
  • Your English skills are on B2 level – Dutch skills are highly preferred and of course we are happy for every additional language you are able to speak


Are you that good-humored, service minded and hospitable person we are looking for?
We are very happy to receive your application (resume, earliest possibly starting-date).

Apply now!


Denis Yahiaoui
General Manager

More about a&o hostels
As Europe's largest hostel chain, a&o is more than just a place to work - we stand for diversity, openness and a warm smile.
We live our mission ‘everyone can travel’ through fair prices and our continuous growth. With our motto ‘Stay affordable - sleep sustainable’, we are committed to affordable travel and sustainable action.
Since our founding, everyone has been welcome at a&o - no matter where you come from, what gender you are, how you love, what you believe in or what culture you belong to. We are colorful, diverse and full of team spirit - just like our guests!

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