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Become a member now - for free!Quick and easy: Check in while being on the move, up to 24 hours before arrival. All you need is your smartphone and the a&o App. Get the app for Android or iOS now.
Don’t waste your time at the reception queue! You can check in yourself on site with our Self Check-in Kiosk. Available in many a&o hostels.
Check in from the comfort of your own home, 24 hours before arrival. Here, you can check in with your booking number and e-mail address.
Check-in at our reception is possible at any time. Your room is ready for you at 3 p.m. All you need is your ID document.
► Bemærk, at du altid skal vise et gyldigt ID-dokument (ID-kort eller pas) ved check-in for at bekræfte din identitet. Det er ikke muligt at betale kontant for din booking på stedet.
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