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Useful Information

Useful Information

Before you leave on your trip, there is so much to plan and to know in advance. Let us help you by preparing the following things to make this task just a little easier:

  • Travel Catalogue

  • Tourist Tax & Exemption

  • Cancellation Terms & Saving Tips

  • House Rules and Terms

Travel Catalogue

Since planning travel for the next school trip begins anew each year, we would be delighted to welcome you again in one of our locations in the coming years. Our standards for teachers and students are the same in each of our locations and while remaining unmistakably unique!

You can ask for a travel catalogue to be sent to you through the mail free of charge by going to [email protected] or you can view it online here.

Tourist tax & how to avoid it as a group

In some a&o cities, there is a so-called cultural tax, also called tourist tax, for tourists.

Information regarding the tourist tax

  • Amsterdam: 12.5% city tax
  • Antwerp: €2.97 accommodation tax
  • Berlin: 5% tax on overnight stays (except for schoolchildren on school trips)
  • Bremen: 5% tourism tax
  • Brussels: €4.24 city tax per room or €0.85 per bed in a shared room (pupils on school trips are exempt if at least one underage guest is staying in the room)
  • Budapest: 4% city tax (except for students)
  • Cologne: 5% accommodation tax (except for accompanied school trips)
  • Dortmund: 7.5% accommodation tax
  • Dresden: 6% accommodation tax (except for under 27-year-olds staying overnight for educational purposes)
  • Düsseldorf: €3 accommodation tax (except for school trips)
  • Florence: €4 tourist tax (except for children up to 12 years of age; school classes on educational trips are entitled to a 50% discount)
  • Frankfurt: €2 tourist tax (except for schoolchildren and teachers on presentation of a school certificate)
  • Graz: €2.50 overnight stay tax (except for pupils and accompanying persons who are staying overnight due to teaching events or school/vocational training and present a confirmation with a list of names and ages)
  • Hamburg: approx. 2.4% culture and tourism tax, depending on the price of the overnight stay
  • Leipzig: 5% accommodation tax
  • Prague: CZK 50 tourist tax
  • Rotterdam: 6.5% city tax
  • Salzburg: €1.85 overnight stay tax for guests aged 15 and over (excluding persons who are in Salzburg for school lessons) Note: The overnight stay tax will increase to €3.55 from 1.5.25
  • Venice: €0.70 (from 10 years) / €1.40 (from 16 years) (except for coach drivers, accompanying persons and tour guides of groups of 25 persons or more)
  • Vienna: 3.2% local tax already included in the price (except for minors staying in Vienna for the purpose of school attendance/vocational training or in youth hostels)
  • Weimar: €3 (single room) / €2.25 (double or multi-bed room) cultural promotion tax

To receive this excemption, free download forms can be found in our FAQ area. Please fill them out prior to your arrival.

Cancellation Terms & Saving Tips

If you need to cancel your class trip or other serious reasons exist, the following cancellation terms apply:

Groups of 10* or more persons:

- until 4 weeks prior to arrival dat free of charge.
- until 2 weeks prior arrival date 50% of the agreed total price.
- until 8 days prior to arrival date 75% of the agreed total price.
- from the 7th day prior to arrival 90% of the agreed total price.

Groups of 20* or more persons:

- until 8 weeks prior to arrival date free of charge
- until 4 weeks prior arrival date 50% of the agreed total price.
- until 8 days prior to arrival 75% of the agreed total price.
- from the 7th day prior to arrival, 90% of the agreed total price.

*Please refer to the maximum number of persons in the booking process. For large groups other cancellation conditions may apply according to the booking contract


If the planned trip has to be cancelled due to pandemic restrictions, the booked services can be cancelled free of charge. This agreement is valid for all stays until the end of 2021. Partial cancellations, e.g. if some people of the group are sick, are free of charge until the day of arrival, as long as at least 10 people will check in. Furthermore we provide complimentary quarantine rooms , depending on availability.

Of course, a&o offers all kinds of money-saving tips with which can help you design your class trip even more economically.

1)    Book online at You will get the best group rate by booking directly with us. Other organizations may add extra charges for your trip.

2)    All You Can Eat-Breakfast Buffet is always included for groups.

3)    Sunday nights cost 25% less than the rest of the week.

4)    Meeting rooms are available for short daily meetings free of charge for groups. Teachers and their companions have a Special Guest Status. See:  Exclusive benefits for school groups

5)    The low season carries particular savings. Consider whether a trip in January-February or November-December is a possibility for you. It’s worth it: Less waiting times for attractions, great winter cultural programs and more availability in the category of your choice!

House Rules and Terms

Usually on the day of check-in, the students have the house rules explained to them. Naturally, we’d like to give you the opportunity to inform your students – at best when they are all together, in the bus or train on the way to the hotel.

Attached you will find the link to our GTC as PDF files:

In the House Rules, you’ll find the most important points on the following subjects:
-    Smoking
-    Quiet hours
-    Alcohol
-    Pets
-    Damage to Property
-    Harassment
-    Security

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